The Barbershop Programme is a groundbreaking scheme in Birmingham that has a holistic, social based approach to engaging our communities, especially the youth, on the issues around mental health and well-being.
The main products from this programme are a city wide magazine and web-site, but this is just a small part of the whole venture. Barbershop is a programme that offers opportunities through education in I.T., web site development, report writing, journalism as well as volunteering opportunities and payments for work undertaken towards the magazine and web-site. It engages young men on the subject of mental health and well-being in a way that is meaningful and relevant to those individuals. It promotes cohesion between and within communities. It promotes individual self esteem and resilience through active engagement and it effectively challenges the stigma that exists around mental health problems.
All of the key partners in Barbershop Birmingham are Birmingham based non-profit social enterprises and third sector organisations.
Download Barbershop Birmingham issue: 4