Black Lives Matter


Welcome to The Waiting Room (TWR) #TWRFoundIt – Health and Wellbeing at your Fingertips

The second version of The Waiting Room was released in May 2018. Faster, smarter and cleaner, the new TWR can translate into well over 80 languages, has full search capabilities, offers direct call functionality and a simple but effective “share this service” facility both through personal media options and social media platforms. Housed within our […]

Common Unity’s URBRUM Resource key #commonunity @commonunity

Please note you will need to download a free QR code scanner from your mobile app store to use QR’s Accessing information to specific services can be difficult at the best of times. In modern day life technology plays a key role in ensuring information is at our fingertips. The URBRUM resource key gives you […]

The Waiting Room: This video could save a life

Over 6,000 people die by suicide every year in the UK alone, that’s someone dying by suicide every 90 minutes. But it is well worth remembering that the vast majority of people who think about suicide don’t want to die, they are, however, finding it hard to stay alive. One of the key reasons for […]

Imagine having direct access to health and well being services in Birmingham!

We know that accessing up-to-date information to services you need can be frustrating and a lengthy process even on the internet. By utilising modern technology alongside a common-sense approach, we have a resource that can connect you with your local services even whilst you are on the go. As part of Birmingham’s Urbrum website, The […]

The Waiting Room – Generation 2 coming to your smart device in April 2018

In 2016, in the West Midlands, Common Unity had a vision, and this vision was to eradicate all paper-based directories and provide the ultimate online alternative. This alternative came to be known as The Waiting Room – a place for people from all walks of life to find support for their own health and wellbeing. […]

BWWW Conference Report 2018

BRIEF BACKGROUND TO CONNECTING COMMUNITY NETWORKS As part of Birmingham and Solihull’s Connecting Community Networks Programme, Common Unity hosted the 2018 World Mental Health Day Conference in Birmingham with a bit of a difference. Common Unity use the E.P.I.C approach in respect of mental health and wellbeing meaning that we work upstream to Educate, Protect, […]

The Success of The Being Well Works Well Conference 2018

“FANTASTIC CONFERENCE!!”  October 10th 2018 (World Mental Health Day) saw the “Being Well Works Well” Conference come to fruition through the leadership of Common Unity. Its aims were to provide networking opportunities locally, regionally and nationally in respect of the wellbeing agenda, highlight upstream services being delivered currently under The Connecting Community Networks programme, present new and innovative approaches that seek to […]

Connecting Community Networks

What is Connecting Community Networks All About? Life can be hard…but for some, because of particular circumstances, and more often than not, through no fault of their own, life can be much harder still. Connecting Community Networks recognises this and looks to protect and enhance citizen well-being and promote life quality. It oversees the delivery […]

West Midlands Fire Service endorses TWR in keeping people Safe and Well 

I know will-power plays a big part but the support we provided via The Waiting Room Resource Key has been priceless for him. Aston Fire Station recently shared TWR keys amongst their team leaders for further distribution across their patches. One Team Leader told us  “I issued 27 keys in total to managers of the HMO’s owned by Midland […]

Combined Brochure

HOW WE WORK Our upstream approach achieves both indirect and direct benefits for our communities, and with this in mind, we ensure that our partners, our associates and others’ working alongside us have the same core belief. Our input is offered based on a number of dependable factors including years of historical direct experience and specialist skills acquired in the […]

Man Made Family Evaluation

An Evaluation of the ManMade Family Programme May 2016 The MandMade Family programme successfully supported men to be able to talk more openly about their emotions, to build their confidence and selfesteem, to know where to go for help and to support others in the community. This was achieved through an eight week workshop programme which includes peer discussion, information […]

TWR Resource Key – A Road To Somewhere

It’s a clever way of linking people with local support with the least amount of stress, hassle or disappointment Back in the 80’s there was a song called “Road To Nowhere” – pretty good as well – but when I think of online resource directories, or worse still, paper directories for health and social care […]

Cohesion Consultation Event and Cohesion Programme

Cohesion Consultation Event – The Community Cohesion Programme The Community Cohesion Programme focuses on the working with all communities and front-line staff. They work to increase knowledge of mental health and well-being, encourage greater self-awareness and self management and stimulate community engagement, all geared at the improving the lives of Birmingham's residents. Delivered by the […]

Breaking Silence – Mental Ill Health In The South Asian Community

BREAKING SILENCE MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DVD Caron Thompson developed a short film about mental ill health in second generation South Asian women, which looked at cultural conflicts that can lead to mental ill health. The story was influenced by the experiences of a service user who suffered mental ill health as a young single mother […]

Connecting Community Networks

UPSTREAM SOLUTIONS FOR COMMUNITY WELLBEING Life can be hard…but for some, because of particular circumstances, and more often than not, through no fault of their own, life can be much harder still. Connecting Community Networks recognises this and looks to protect and enhance citizen well-being and promote life quality. It oversees the delivery of a […]

Beauty Shop

The Beauty Shop is a community enabling package and the sister magazine to Barbershop. Common Unity worked in partnership with the founders of Barbershop Preston and Barbershop Birmingham to develop The Beauty Shop Magazine.   Many communities see mental illness as a taboo and often not talked about subject, this is normally due to the […]

BVSC Update Magazine

Common Unity is a health and social care social enterprise which delivers a proactive approach to service co-ordination and development, writes founder and managing director, Caron Thompson. Common Unity was established in 2009 by community engagement activists who were born, lived and educated in the inner city parts of the West Midlands.The organisation offers a […]