What we do to prevent suicide in the United Kingdom
A brief insight into the work of Forward For Life and Common Unity Social Enterprise through the suicide prevention programme S-O-S – working hard to make a real impact on the challenge of suicide across the United Kingdom through specialist training in safeTALK and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.
Common Unity Social Enterprise
Is a Health and Social Care organisation specialising in working on mental health and well-being with ‘hard to reach’ communities. It was established in 2009 by community activists from BME communities who were also mental health professionals, and who had grown up in the inner city areas of the West Midlands. Our personal and professional experiences have formed our instincts about, and specific insights into, what works in communication with a wide range of audiences.
Forward For Life
communities who have the challenges are, more often than not, the very same communities that hold the solution. Forward For Life operates with the core belief that although there are many challenges that exist across and within our communities, solutions to these challenges are also to be found across and within our communities.
With an overall goal of supporting communities to be Suicide Safer, we adopt forward thinking approaches to reduce inequalities and promote opportunities for enhanced well-being and improved quality of life – We believe this is both an achievable expectation across all our communities and the right of each and every individual within.